Eva Daboh

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SRA Licensed Solicitor
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About Eva

Eva qualified as a solicitor in 2000 and has since built up a wealth of experience in all aspects of commercial real estate law. Eva represents all types of commercial clients in their property work, including landlords, tenants, sellers, buyers, occupiers, funders, developers and investors. She specialises in negotiating, advising on and drafting a wide range of property agreements that businesses and individuals enter into on a daily basis.

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This profile is provided using data from our network of solicitors and public data including the Solicitors Regulation Authority to help consumers compare and get help from solicitors across the UK. Lawhive Ltd works with a network of solicitors and firms across the UK and is not a law firm.

If you wish to contact Eva Daboh directly you can do this through their regulated law firm, Lawhive Legal Ltd, SRA number 8003766.

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Lawhive Ltd is not a law firm and does not provide any legal advice. Our network includes our affiliate company, Lawhive Legal Ltd. Lawhive Legal Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with ID number 8003766 and is a company registered in England & Wales, Company No. 14651095.

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